Website Links Count Checker

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About Website Links Count Checker

Links on the webpage are counted both externally and internally. Consequently, the webmaster or owner of the site can count the number of links on the page. Using the tool, you can see how many external and internal links are on a website.

A webpage with too many external and internal hyperlinks is of poor quality. In order to ensure the quality of links, the webmaster must check them. Adding more quality content with external and internal links helps you rank higher on search engines. To increase the number of visitors to your website, ensure that the links are high-quality.

Link counters are advantageous for improving SEO traffic. The main objective of this tool is to scan all external and internal links found on a given webpage. Additionally, it displays the total number of links within a particular webpage. There will be no external links displayed on the webpage if they do not appear. The number of internal links will be displayed instead.

This tool is offered free of charge with no limitations on how long it can be used. Analyzing the web page links is very valuable for SEO guys, webmasters, or site owners. For every 100 words in an article, there should be at least two outside links within the text. The collapse of rank occurs when the number of links is above the average.